I am an economist specializing in the field of industrial organization, which studies the competitive interactions of firms, the performance of markets, and the effects of government policy on markets under different conditions. My website is called "Microfoundations" because I am generally interested in the microeconomic foundations behind government policy decisions. Understanding those foundations requires knowledge of microeconomic principles, including economic theory and empirical methods. Putting the foundations into practice in antitrust and regulation policy requires experience. In my career, I have been fortunate to be able to apply microfoundations to real problems as an academic economist, government economist and policy authority, and economic consultant. Please see my CV and Research and Consulting Links.
I currently spend most of my time as a Senior Consultant with Compass Lexecon, although in recent years I have taught Regulation, and Managerial Economics at Indiana and Industrial Organization at Berkeley, and I always have ongoing research projects. If you would like to discuss my work of if I can help you with an economic policy issue, please reach out.